List of events registered on this group
Unique Id of the node
All nodes registed on this group
Shared variables registered on this group
Send events to a group Each event must be registed on the group (see setEventsDescriptions)
When sending events to Thymio 2, the value of each event must be an array of int16 matching EventDescription.fixed_size
events to broadcast
Set the events registered on the group.
variables to set. Will erase any previously registered events.
This client must holds a lock on at least one node of this group for the operation to be sucessful
Set the shared variables registered on the group.
variables to set. Will erase any previous registered variables.
This client must holds a lock on at least one node of this group for the operation to be sucessful
Request the TDM to dispatch modifications of the shared variables and event description for a group or a Thymio to this client.
This must be called for the following event to be triggered
bitflag of [[fb.mobsya.WatchableInfo]]
Generated using TypeDoc
A group represents a list of robots sharing the same persistent state.
Group hold the events and shared variables for all robots in the group.
Events sent to a group or a robots will be broadcasted to all robots in that group.